I see you.

You’re intelligent. You’re driven. And you’re quite capable.

If there was an easy answer to your problems somewhere out there on the self improvement hamster wheel, you would have found it by now.

But you’re also too determined to settle for less than what you desire in your life.

You know there’s more to life than surviving and getting by, but you’re not quite sure what.

You believe there’s got to be another way

& you’re ready to lean more into your curiosity than your fear

You are tired of buying into this idea of who you have been told to be and are ready to start discovering who you truly are.

You want this next chapter of your life to be guided not by externals but by your own inner knowing.

So who is this work for?

This work is for: Curious seekers. Courageous humans. Those with full belief in themselves and those who still hold doubts. Leaders and visionaries. Artists, creators, and writers. Anyone who wants to use life as their artist’s palette and explore the range of what’s possible for them during this lifetime rather than accepting what they’ve been told is possible. Committed humans who are wanting more from life than just surviving, getting by, and settling for the way things are. Anyone seeking to show up in deeper communion with themselves, their bodies, their relationships, and the world. Anyone who is tired of being limited by their past and wants to actively create the future they are living into.

I’m Katelyn Warren.

I’m an Attachment-Based Somatic Coach supporting everyday humans to stop fixing and start living.

My work is anchored in the belief that the source of our deepest power lies not outside but rather within us - and that power is sacred and unique for each and every one of us.

As Martha Graham says, “There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it.”

My work is in helping you reconnect to your life force so you can have the life, relationships, and personal impact that you desire to have most in the world.

Our time here is so precious, so what are you waiting for?

The Vision

Unlike much of the messaging we receive, this approach isn’t about managing, manipulating, or changing who you are to become a ‘better’ version of yourself.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve had enough other people, institutions, and systems telling you how you ‘should’ be.

I’m not here to be another voice fueling that distortion.

On the contrary, I’m here to support you in doing the opposite. To embrace the transformative process that occurs in allowing these external layers to fall away and reveal who you truly are beneath all of that.

It’s about coming into deeper alignment with who you already are.

We live in a world that preaches for a backwards approach.

In this Fix It Culture, we are often taught to believe both at conscious and unconscious levels that only when we meet an externally decided set of demands can we be happy. This culture is often further compounded by an accumulation of experiences such as shame, trauma, and conditioning that further reinforce the divide between our true self and how our life currently is.

Ever notice how you can do all the things and achieve all of the goals and still not feel the way you desire to feel?

You might think “Being who I am. Shouldn’t that be simple?”

It’s actually quite complex, and here’s why:

It’s because Fix It Culture has us diverting our attention away from cultivating the source of our personal power and into managing the symptoms of our distress.

Sounds like a lot of wasted energy to me.

So let’s do it differently.

Through our work together we will:

Reconnect with your body - your own personalized source of wisdom and guidance

Repattern your nervous and attachment systems

Reignite your own personal life force

How do we do that?

Rather than pouring your precious life force energy into managing symptoms and outcomes so you can feel a certain way, we will go right to the source of your experience, your body, to create empowered shifts in being.

It’s about the being rather than the doing.

And the being lives in this moment.

It begins in the body.